I mean look at this! So amazing.
Now as ALWAYS, there had to be some hate, backlash etc about this amazing teen. Most people (African Americans mostly from what I've read) had an issue with her hair. Now, here's the thing: I am partial to both sides on this one. I believe STRONGLY that when you look good you feel good and YOU DO GOOD!! Her hair was not neat and maintained liked it could have been, but shit, she was focused on getting a damn GOLD MEDAL! I mean, if her hair fell to the waste side, give the girl a damn break!
Its sad that people have the crabs in a bucket mentality and can't just be happy for her and her accomplishments!
*stepping off my soap box*
OK so fast forward to after the Olympics and everyone and their mother had something to say about her hair. She got a make over and a new do! I must say she LOOKS AMAZING!! From head to toe!
Now looka here! Gabby is in Essence! for HER ACCOMPLISHMENTS NOT her hair do or lack there of! I'm not gonna front, YES appearance is important, but her accomplishments do not deserve to over shadowed by something trial that can be fixed like hair!
I'm sure Gabby and her mom did the best they could with what they had!
Shout out to Gabby for winning the gold and shutting the haters DOWN with the new make over!
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