
Friday, September 28, 2012

..tired as H E double hockey sticks! :(

*yawn* Guten Tag Love bugs (that's good afternoon in German, that's extent of what I remember of my 8th grade German language

So Its FRIDAY! and umm I'm so tired, that I don't even care its Friday! *insert shocked face*
I didn't go to bed any later than usual last night, but I think I'm just mentally TIRED! When my ever racing brain is tired, this vessel we call a body quickly follows suit! *yawn*  being the good friend that I am I let my bestie borrow my car so cupcake had to drive me to work today. Now here are the issues with that:

  1. I like to get up, get ready and leave the house at my own pace and WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT...however when you bumming a ride, ya gotta do what the drivers doing! So Cupcake has to be at work before 8 so that meant I had to get to work around 7! omgggggg wtfffffffff I almost BS a tear almost fell from my face bc I had to get up so early. lol
  2. I don't have ANYTHING to say to ANYONE before 9:00 a.m. I mean NOTHING. On the RARE morning I'm conversing with someone before work, trust me the stars are all in line, the gods are shining their lights directly on ME and Macy's is having YET ANOTHER ONE DAY SELL! (LMFAOOOOOOOO...I challenge someone to count the one day sales they have, I'm sure its around 361.5) ...I imagine our morning! Cupcake said one thing to me, and I snapped faster than a #2 pencil...YIKESSSSSS...Cupcake if your reading this: My bad son! lol
  3. I couldn't leave for lunch! Now when I have my car (which is EVERYDAY) I leave out for ATLEAST an hour ro get some fresh air. Not today! Now as soon as you DON'T have something, that's when you need/want it the MOST! lol I could think of 1000 things to do today on my lunch break, however, they require driving so um that's out the window! lol
  4. I'm a CONTROL FREAK that CANT STAND WAITING! Now being that I know 5 is approaching, cupcake will be receiving what I call my "stalker message" (which I hate to receive by the way)..those questions include (but are not limited to) "where are you""are you off yet" when do you think you will be off" do you think traffic will be bad" I can assure you since cupcake already knows me well, cupcake would move a mountain to make sure to be outside at 4:59!
I can tell my little family (cupcake, myself and baby blue) were all tired this morning. You could hear a mouse piss on cotton it was so quiet! lmfaoooo Also, as cupcake and I left to start our day Blue was SILENT! I MEAN SILENT. This will go down in history! She is never, I mean never quiet when we leave! She cries like a baby, we can hear her all the way to the car. :( But not this morning. She was silent as a church mouse. You know its early when a dog doesn't even bark! lmao

So here is how it looked when I left this morning! NO its not evening...IT WAS 6:57 A.M.

Oh and I had breakfast. I usually don't, but hey I was in the mood this morning. P.s. should have taken a better pic, it doesn't look too appetizing lol. it was though so its all G. :)
Anyways. Countdown on! One hour and 18 minutes until I have to sit in traffic! smdh. well lets pray for no traffic, but if there is, ill catch a nap while cupcake drives! lol
Holla atcha later peeps *muah*

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